
Tuesday 3 March 2015

Comments containing smut and threats from Ireland’s PROFESSIONAL ELITE.

The professionals in Ireland show themselves to be, a tad, ignoramus and puerile

On the left are some striking (no pun intended) Oirish nurses who have a vulgar way of expressing their desires. And on the right is a coterie of Oirish Gardai (police) who also have similar dispositions as the nurses. Both of these professions can access the internet via their respective employer’s facilities.  

We’re getting an awful lot of comments, mostly gibberish, insults and threats. But what’s fascinating about all the commenters is that they don’t accuse us of lying or being untruthful; they simply remonstrate with us for relating Ireland’s moronism.
And that sums up the Paddies for you: The truth doesn’t bother them, they just don’t want their backwardness paraded publicly. They know we’re telling the truth, that we’re relating experiences we have had, and retelling atrocious events that have occurred, in Oireland.
This is what has always amazed us about the Irish: They couldn’t give a fuck about the disgusting conduct we have related in this blog; don’t believe there’s anything wrong with it as long as they don’t get criticised and subsequently lose face and money.
The upshot is that the Paddies would like to continue with their backwardness without the hassle of having people criticising them – criticism, you see, reminds them that they are actually mongrels.
And then, when they do see people, like us, being publicly cynical of their Neanderthal backwardness they get annoyed; but not because they feel any shame about their disgustingly backward conduct, rather, it’s because they realise, in their thick minds, that it might cost them financially.
The typical thick Paddy thinks like a child; he or she enjoys their moronism and acting like arseholes and, as such, it doesn’t register with them that others notice. That is until they read it publicly on the internet, and then it hits home, but only, in so far as, it might put them into even greater penury then what they’ve already gotten themselves into.
Some very internet savvy friends of mine have spent the last few months going through the many thousands of comments that our articles have generated. The contents of the comments, which are mostly gibberish, threats and insults, doesn’t interest us. What my friends were looking for was where the comments came from and who made them.
They use similar software technology that some airlines, and online companies, are known to use. These airlines have the technology to know, not only what the online customer’s address is, but also the type of computer they’re using. Whether it’s a desktop, laptop, iPad, smartphone, cheap or pricey – they can almost tell what a prospective customer is wearing. And these airlines are known to increase the price of the sought after ticket if the passenger is flagged up as using an expensive device – the customer could be sitting in a sink-estate but a costly device will portray them as wealthy (in this case the customer might live in a down-at-heel Limerick estate but be a very rich drug dealer who keeps a low profile1).  
As regards the comments we’ve generated: We-kid-you-not, the Oirish professionals who have made them, and the premises where they were uploaded, would absolutely shock you – professionals who should know better. The more upper-crust (in Ireland some of these people have a high degree of public duty-of-care) the commenters, the more smutty and threatening the comments – there’s scope here for major Irish embarrassment that, even we, never thought possible.
What is very clear, though, is that the most vile ignoramuses can get accepted into very responsible careers (and shoot up the career ladder) in Ireland. Perhaps in time we’ll offer the information to a tabloid; they’d knock, at least, a week of middle-page spreads out of it.
1How could a rich slackjawed Paddy keep a low profile, you might well ask. I’m only theorising: I know it’d be impossible for a Paddy with any type of wealth to keep his big gob shut and not make an ass out of himself.
Below is a selection of the lesser pugnacious comments we’ve had the pleasure of receiving:


These Paddy’s are really having a fit (the spuds must be gone bad).


Illegal drugs or lack of legitimate pharmaceuticals probably resulted in these.


They often smash up their computer monitors in Cork through sheer frustration.


These people really don’t like criticism.


I think after this he or she will need a lie down.  

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