
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Rare and endangered elephants die mysteriously.

Accident; poachers; or expanding corporations?
It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see this baby elephant nuzzling its dead mother in a vain attempt to wake her up. Hopefully no humans were callous enough to have delibeaterly poisoned this mother and the nine others who have also perished.  


Tuesday 29 January 2013

Cork Training Centre (SOLAS (formerly FAS)), Rosa Avenue, Bishopstown, Cork city, Ireland.

Teachers with the cerebral capacity of lobotomized gibbons
This chap would be as bright
as a typical Cork teacher.
This educational1 institute was set up specifically to offer training to the unemployed, and further education to adults wanting to improve their circumstances. It’s gone through a lot of name changes over the years; it’s now on its third. It was first christened AnCO which then became FAS, and which now has morphed into SOLAS.

Monday 28 January 2013

Elaine Looney, Cork College of Commerce, Morrison's Island, Cork city, Ireland.

A Cork City teacher who's as ignorant and coarse as a wild pig
Elaine Looney is a backward unintelligent imbecile
with the mentality of a sink-estate thug. She and
quite a few of her colleagues aren't any better than these two wild boars. It's disgusting that pieces-of-shit like them are employed in a college.
Elaine Looney is not only a perfect example of Ireland’s grade-inflation, but also a primary reason why anthropologists should be studying the kind of people who can be found teaching in Ireland.
This “lady” is as aggressive and as coarse as a lobotomised baboon, and that in combination with her slack-jawed dumbness and obesity makes for one extremely fucked-up moron.
One student had cause to make three complaints regarding the aggressive behaviour of this inbred Irish (Idiotic Repulsive Inbred Shit Head) cunt. Her behaviour was of a type that wouldn’t even be expected from patients in a psychiatric hospital.

Friday 25 January 2013


A dentist's nurse who might use her stilettos to knock out your teeth

Mr. Aidan Monahan might have availed
of Oirish grade-inflation, or perhaps he
qualified by cheating?
Here’s a dental practice that will leave you gasping for breath, and that’s before you even let them near your mouth or teeth.
I made an appointment here to have my teeth checked and cleaned, and while doing so noticed that the receptionist/dental nurse seemed unpleasant with a nasty streak.  
Staff who display unpleasantness are run-of-the-mill in south-west Ireland; if they desist from snarling, spitting and screaming you’re having a very good day.
I turned up on the day of appointment and it was then that I witnessed this loony imbecile at her most ferocious.