
Éire Hospital

Irish nurses almost blinded colleague by spraying acidic liquid into her eyes which they then claimed "was a joke" ...

On the right is the type of
bitch that's to be found in
Cork University Hospital.
I am unfortunate enough to have spent a few days experiencing the milieu in this uniquely Irish hospital. And I use the word unfortunate here in connection to my stay at this hospital, rather than the reason for it.
Most of the Cork and Kerry staff I encountered here had no more manners or civility than camp-dwelling cider-drinking thugs.

But this is to be expected in south-west Ireland as the inbred Picts who populate this area find it very hard to even affect a civil demeanour. Even, in such instances, as applying for a mortgage they'd find it difficult to act and speak with a modicum amount of civil manners. But let them loose in their own domain, with what they perceive as authority, and their mongrelised and thuggish provenance is put on display for all to see.
Three nurses I encountered here were outright thugs; I’d guarantee that if any of these gombeen bitches went looking for nursing work anywhere outside of Ireland they’d be laughed at and sent home. I could go on and mention the dirt-bag who ran one of the hospital’s cafés, or the disgusting hybrids who served the meals, and the witless slack-jawed porters who viewed themselves as being on a par with Donald Trump.

Considering the amount of debris thrown around this hospital it's obvious
that Health and Safety doesn't play any part in their planning.

A somewhat amusing side to the atrocious mongrels who make it as nurses in Ireland was the diminutive red-headed Cork nurse who showed up one morning having forgotten to put an underskirt or petticoat on beneath her uniform. To make things worst it was debatable as to whether she had any underwear on either, she was a sight indeed, and looked like what you’d see at a Kerry wet t-shirt competition.

In circumstances like these you’d expect her colleagues to let her know that her bum and pubic hair was on display, or at least drop some type of hint regarding her attire. But, unbelievably, none of her colleagues told her about her bare cheeks, and this nurse-cum-striptease artiste spent most of the day with her assets on show.
Considering that this is the hospital where some Cork or Kerry nurses almost blinded a workmate by using a syringe to spray acidic liquid into her face (they then claimed it was a "practical joke") it’s to be expected that they would sneer at this exposed friend rather than tell her about her missing underskirt. The "practical joke", which almost blinded the victim, would most likely have been brought about by jealousy and probably was a purposeful attempt to cause harm and pain – if you experience these consanguineous types in backward Cork City you’ll be aware of their pettiness and stupidity; how throwing acidic liquid into someone’s face would be second-nature to them.

The grade-inflated Cork and Kerry gombeen bitches, when they have no one else to direct their aggression at, will fight like hyenas among themselves. These seemingly carry a large and eternal chip on their shoulders and the only way they know of alleviating its encumbrance is to be abusive and bullying. As I've already alluded to: a type of uncouth ignoramus who wouldn't be accepted into nurse training colleges in a mainstream country.

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